MotiPix Kodak 5207 35 mm x 100 Ft. Motion Picture ECN-2 Process Film 250DZoom

MotiPix Kodak 5207 35 mm x 100 Ft. Motion Picture ECN-2 Process Film 250D

Item# 926-52071
Ships Same Day (order by 2pm pst Mon-Fri)


KODAK VISION Color Film / 5207 Daylight 250 ISO

Please note that this is Motion Picture Film with Rem Jet backing and IS NOT meant for standard C-41 Processing. It is being offered as a fun, fantastic way to shoot Motion Picture film in your still camera (or Lomokino) and is being offered in the spirit of experimentation and creativity.

This film is rated at 250D terms of film speed and can be shot from 150-300 ISO or so, which can lead to lots of fun! This film is daylight balanced so you need not bother with a filter, if you are looking for fun fine grain film, you found it. Enjoy

KODAK VISION3 250D Color Negative Film 5207
KODAK VISION3 50D Color Negative Film 5207/7207 is a medium speed daylight-balanced addition to the VISION3 Film portfolio offering the world's finest grain to ensure a pristine, clean image that is full of color and detail. Like other films in the VISON3 Film family, VISION3 250D Film features unrivaled highlight latitude, flexibility in postproduction, and proven archival stability. The expanded dynamic range allows for increased creative control in the extremes of exposure, especially high contrast daylight exteriors. Advances in grain and sharpness along with increased exposure latitude also make this film ideal for recorder output. Experience the improved extreme exposure performance and consistent VISION3 Film family look along with unsurpassed image quality, real-world flexibility, and digital postproduction compatibility. Enjoy the benefits of the finest grain capture film with the color and tone reproduction of the VISION3 Film portfolio.

Motion Picture Films with the Rem Jet backing in 35 mm Cassettes and Bulk Rolls. As this film requires special processing (ECN-2) and is absolutely not to be sent out to any regular labs, because the protective backing can "gum up the works" in any standard commercial C-41 processing environment, the majority of this stuff gets processed DIY with our C-41 Kits. You can take off the backing before or during your own processing regimen and it is not that difficult to remove (just an extra step really) and there are a few dedicated labs out there that will process for you but it is implicit that you only use a lab that is dedicated to ECN-2 process.

The Motipix Kodak current Emulsions are 5203, 5207, 5213, and 5219 and are all Cold Stored FRESH stocks (including the B & W 5222 as well)

Our home process C-41 Powder Kits

C-41 Kits

Also there are a few film labs that will take on ECN-2 Films

Little Film Lab

The Camera Shop

Old School Photo Lab

Boutique Film Lab