Ultrafine Universal 9 Mil Fiber-Gloss FB 13 x 19 / 25 Inkjet Paper
Universal FIBER GLOSS InkJet Paper
8.5 in. x 11 in. / 100 Sheets
Cut and packaged by UltraFineOnLine
a Division of Photo Warehouse
9 Mil Super White Paper
with the look and feel of a Fiber Base Photographic Print
Ultrafine Universal Fiber Base Paper:
Fiber Gloss 9 Mil (255 Gram)
Ultrafine Universal Fiber Gloss This Premium Inkjet Coated Paper brings the darkroom back to inkjet printing. Fiber Gloss has incredible tonal range and color value output characteristics and will minimize the difference between your monitor's image and the your final printed image, reproducing more open values, detail and subtleties of tones at all density levels especially in the higher density zones of the image. Fiber Gloss delivers a richness of color and density that will amaze your senses. Because it emulates the old Baryta Fiber Base Characteristics, it also lends itself to Black-and-White Inkjet output as well. Our Ultrafine product compares favorably with the Ilford Galerie FG Inkjet, Harmon Gloss FB, and Oriental Graphica Fiber Base Glossy. We are no way affiliated with any of these papers or manufacturers, and use their product names for comparrison purposes only. Will provide fantastic results in all Epson, HP and Canon Photo Printers.
Sheet sizes available:
8.5x11, 11x17, 13x19, 17x22
Hi - Gloss Surface InkJet Paper for most types, styles and brands of InkJet Paper. Universal, Compatible with most Ink Jet printers. Ideal for high resolution printing of photos, and art work reproduction.