Kodak Tri-X 320 TXP Black & White Negative Film 4" x 5" / 50 Sheets
4 x 5 50 Sheets
Professionally Cold Stored
Kodak #841 6638
TRI-X 320TXP 4x5 - 50 Sheets
KODAK PROFESSIONAL TRI-X 320 is a high-speed panchromatic film that is a good choice for photographing dimly lighted subjects or fast action, for photographing subjects that require good depth of field and fast shutter speeds, and for extending the distance range for flash pictures.
TRI-X 320 Films (320TXP) feature excellent tone gradation and brilliant highlights. They are especially well suited to low-flare interior lighting or flash illumination. They are also useful for portraiture with low-contrast backlighting outdoors.