For general-purpose use with films such as Kodak T-MAX Professional, PLUS-X Pan, and TRI-X Pan Films; also for some spectroscopic films and plates. A favorite of pictorial photographers.
Yields full emulsion speed and maximum shadow detail with normal contrast. Moderately fine grain, excellent development latitude.
For use in: small and large tanks, trays, rotary-tubes, rack-and-tanks
Keeping Properties:
Stock solution (full strength ) in closed container (full) - 6 months; 2 months in a half full container
Working solution (full strength) in a tray-24 hours (or tank-1 month)
Diluted 1:1 solution-24 hours in a tray (N/A for a tank)
eful Capacity (unreplenished):
Full strength in a tray; 16-8x10 sheets per gal (4 per L)
Full strength in a tank; 16-8x10 sheets per gal (4 per L); useful capacity can be increased by replenishment
Diluted 1:1 in a tray; 8-8x10 sheets per gal in a tray (2 per L)
Diluted 1:1 in a tank; 8-8x10 sheets per gal in a tank (2 per L)
The Kodak D-76 is commonly used for Developing and more.