Black and White Multigrade Filters FAQ's

Black and White Multigrade Filters FAQ's
FAQ: Will your UltraFine Varigrade Filters work with all types of Black and White Variable Contrast paper?

Yes, we have tested our Ultrafine Varigrade Filters on virtually any variable contrast paper on the market and achieved fantastic results. We tested Kodak, Bergger, Agfa, Ilford, Ultrafine, Arista, Kentmere, and Oriental, all with exact results that we had with the old branded Ilford filters. All Brand names are the property of their respective owners and we only mention them here to assure their compatability with our filters.

FAQ: Why are there different sizes on the filters?

The 3 in x 3 in filters are the most common for BELOW the lens holders and the 3.5" x 3.5" are the most common to fit in the filter draw below the condenser. The 6 in x 6 in are most commonly used in large format enlargers.