Arista EDU Ultra 400 B & W Film 35mm x 100' Roll
Arista.EDU Ultra B&W film is compatible with all major processing systems. Recommended developing times are for normal contrast negatives (based on intermittent agitation.) All developing times are standardized for 68 Degree F (20 Degree C). Your developing time may vary based on environment and equipment used.
Developer: Ultrafine 76 Powder
Dilution: Stock
Time @ 68 Degree F (20 Degree C): 7 - 8
Developer: Ultrafine 76 Powder
Dilution: 1:1
Time @ 68 Degree F (20 Degree C): 12 - 13
Developer: Endurance Film Developer
Dilution: 1:9
Time @ 68 Degree F (20 Degree C): 6 1/2
Developer: Ilford ID-11, Kodak D-76
Dilution: Stock
Time @ 68 Degree F (20 Degree C): 7 - 8
Developer: Ilford ID-11, Kodak D-76
Dilution: 1:1
Time @ 68 Degree F (20 Degree C): 12 - 13
Developer: Kodak XTOL
Dilution: (Straight)
Time @ 68 Degree F (20 Degree C): 7
Developer: Kodak TMAX Developer
Dilution: 1:4
Time @ 68 Degree F (20 Degree C): 7 - 8
Developer: Kodak HC 110
Dilution: 1:31
Time @ 68 Degree F (20 Degree C): 6 1/2
Developer: Agfa Rodinal
Dilution: 1:25
Time @ 68 Degree F (20 Degree C): 5 1/2
Recommended Agitation: Agitate continuously for first 30 seconds of development, then provide agitation of 5 to 7 inversion cycles for 5 seconds every 30 seconds for remainder of development time.
Where continuous agitation is used for rotary processor, reduce the developing times by 15%.
Development times may need adjusting to suit individual processing systems and working practices. If an established system is producing good results, adjust the recommended development times until the desired contrast is obtained.
Developer: Ultrafine 76 Powder
Dilution: Stock
Time @ 68 Degree F (20 Degree C): 7 - 8
Developer: Ultrafine 76 Powder
Dilution: 1:1
Time @ 68 Degree F (20 Degree C): 12 - 13
Developer: Endurance Film Developer
Dilution: 1:9
Time @ 68 Degree F (20 Degree C): 6 1/2
Developer: Ilford ID-11, Kodak D-76
Dilution: Stock
Time @ 68 Degree F (20 Degree C): 7 - 8
Developer: Ilford ID-11, Kodak D-76
Dilution: 1:1
Time @ 68 Degree F (20 Degree C): 12 - 13
Developer: Kodak XTOL
Dilution: (Straight)
Time @ 68 Degree F (20 Degree C): 7
Developer: Kodak TMAX Developer
Dilution: 1:4
Time @ 68 Degree F (20 Degree C): 7 - 8
Developer: Kodak HC 110
Dilution: 1:31
Time @ 68 Degree F (20 Degree C): 6 1/2
Developer: Agfa Rodinal
Dilution: 1:25
Time @ 68 Degree F (20 Degree C): 5 1/2
Recommended Agitation: Agitate continuously for first 30 seconds of development, then provide agitation of 5 to 7 inversion cycles for 5 seconds every 30 seconds for remainder of development time.
Where continuous agitation is used for rotary processor, reduce the developing times by 15%.
Development times may need adjusting to suit individual processing systems and working practices. If an established system is producing good results, adjust the recommended development times until the desired contrast is obtained.